Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. -Ecclesiastes 7:8

I’ve wanted to start blogging for quite some time, and now I finally have. It’s all the rage today to build audiences, market yourself, optimize your blog for traffic, and otherwise turn blogging into a second career. I have no intentions of doing this.
The early internet I remember was a place of untrammeled expression, where it was not only possible but likely that one might stumble upon the personal and public musings of anyone and everyone. New and different points of view were there to be discovered, albeit in low resolution and with rudimentary HTML. Someone looking for information on 19th century quilting, for example, would invariably wend their way to the site of a member of the digerati (the only people to travel the World Wide Web at the time) who happenened to be an enthusiastic quilter, publicly musing about their personal hobby.
These days have gone, and while we cannot perhaps turn back time, I am opting to forge this site in the fashion of that bygone era. I plan on discussing my personal interests – varied though they may be – and allow others to read them (or not) as they see fit. In the interest of organization, however, I do plan on adding helpful tags to separate these into particular feeds, so that individuals can subscribe only to those topics which interest them…at least, I’ll do so as soon as I figure out how.
All that being said – welcome! The future awaits us; let’s hope it is as bright and beautiful as one can be, here in the Shadowlands. I’ll slowly peck away at this blogging thing until I master it.